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Newspaper Account / September 4, 1889

skullSALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept. 4 - Malad City, just over the Idaho border, has been thrown into excitement by a fatal duel occurred Monday afternoon between two young men. Abraham Likes and Jude Springs of Clark's Flat. They came there last Spring and went into partnership ranching. In a short time both fell in love with Jennie Trauts. Unable to settle the matter amicably, they resorted to the brookside with six-shooters, where each principal took position. At the word both fired. Spring's bullet striking Likes in the left arm and Likes firing wide of the mark.

Likes demanded another shot. This time both men fell to the ground. Spring was shot through the head and instantly killed. Likes received a bullet to the left breast, just above the heart, and died in five minutes. Both were buried in the ravine by the ranchers. Miss Trauts is nearly crazed by the terrible event, and it is feared she will end her own life.



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