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Homestake Mill, 1889


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Reported in The New York Times / October 28, 1886

FORT KEOGH, Montana, Oct. 27. -- The following additional particulars regarding the late fight of the Crow Reservation between a party of Crow and Sioux Indians, in which five of the Indians were killed and scalped, have just been reported: The expedition left the Yankton Agency a short time ago with the avowed intention of raiding the Crow camp on the Little Rosebud.

Concealing their horses in a ravine, they went into the timber to reconnoiter. Their horses were found by the Crows and identified. A search was made and resulted in the killing of two Sioux and three Crows and the wounding of three of the latter. The remaining Sioux escaped to Fort Custer and reported the fight. The Crows had a war dance over the dead bodies of the Sioux, shot their bodies full of holes, and cut off the head of one with an axe. The report says the Crows are putting on paint and are preparing for war. It is purely an Indian quarrel and not dangerous to whites.



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