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Sheep Camp: 1897


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Some of the Money Said to be Buried in Washington.

Possibility that a Third Man Was Engaged with Williams and Brady in the Hold-Up.

Published in the Woodland (Cal.) Daily Democrat, December 11, 1898

“In the telegraphic columns today," says the Record-Union, "will be found a dispatch from Spokane telling of a confession made by a bandit in jail there regarding the caching of some $40,000 alleged to have been stolen from Wells, Fargo & Co. in a train-robbery in Montana and another on the Southern Pacific near this city.

The officers found the spot as describe, but the ground was covered with snow and was also frozen hard, so they could not dig for the money, but placed a guard over the locality. If this statement should prove true, it will dispel some of the theories regarding the fate of the $50,000 taken from the train near Davisville a year ago last October, $11,000 of which was found last summer in that vicinity. The rest it was thought, had been found and carried off by tramps, excepting a few thousand which the robbers took at the time of the robbery.

If some of the money that is reported to he buried up north is a portion of the proceeds of the Yolo train-robbery, then there must have been more than Williams and Brady concerned in the holdup. The former was killed by Sheriff Bogard, of Tehama, in the train-robbery near Marysville, and Brady is now in Folsom Prison for murdering the sheriff.

If there was a third man in the job it seems a little bit odd that the others should have allowed him to get away with most of the money, though it is possible he may have played his pals false by robbing them. At all events, the outcome of the Spokane story will be watched with interest, especially by the detectives whose theories its truth should upset."



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