The Washington Post / Dec 8, 1902
"California Dan" Ryan Meets with a Tragic Death at Hands of the Yaquis.
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 7. -- A special to the Constitution from Bisbee, Ariz., says:
Col. Kosterlitski, commanding the international boundary riders of Sonora, Mexico, has just received from the mayor of Rio Yaqui, a letter giving an account of the tragic death of "California Dan" Ryan, chief of scouts under Gen. Louis Torres, at Torin, November 23. Ryan and George W. Wilson were sent out on a scout. They were surprised and taken prisoners by the Yaquis, tried by a council of war, and "California Dan" condemned to death. Wilson was acquitted.
In the presence of Wilson, the Yaquis, with dull saws, cut off the feet of "California Dan" just above the ankles. After this they unbound him and told him to go back to duty to Torres. By goading him, they compelled him to walk beyond their intrenchments, only to fall dead in the bush, 100 yards beyond their stronghold. The next morning the Yaquis took the body of "California Dan" and suspended it from the limb of a tree growing by the road. Wilson was then released and told by the Mexicans to bury the body.
For more on California Dan, click here.