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Newspaper Account / October 19, 1884

GALVESTON, Texas, Oct. 19. -- A dispatch to the News from Fort Worth says: "After years of watching and plotting some officers from New-Mexico last night succeeded in arresting T.J. Courtright, better known as Jim Courtright, who is charged with killing several Mexicans two years ago near Silver City, New-Mexico. Courtright is well known here, having served as State Ranger, detective, and City Marshal, and is regarded as one of the quickest men on the trigger in Texas.

"His arrest was effected by strategy, some New-Mexican Rangers, under the guise of friendship, luring him to a room where they covered him with their pistols before he was aware of their duplicity. A man named McIntyre, who assisted Courtright in killing the Mexicans, was captured in the same way last night at Wichita Falls. The arrests were made under New-Mexican warrants and a requisition from Gov. Ireland, of Texas. When the fact of Courtright's arrest was discovered great excitement and indignation prevailed, and 1,500 persons assembled at the hotel where Courtright was confined and prevented the officers from taking the night train.

"It was with great difficulty that the crowd was prevented from rescuing Courtright, but he was finally carried to the County Jail. A writ of habeas corpus has been sworn out and the trial will take place on Monday. Gov. Ireland is severely censured for his action, having once promised the Citizens' Committee he would never sign a requisition warrant."

Related Jim Courtright stories: The Notorious Luke Short Shot, Riot Ends in Bloodshed, Death Ending a Debauch



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