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Deadwood Odd Fellows, 1890


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New-York Times / March 28, 1886

GALVESTON, Texas, March 28. -- A special from San Antonio says: "A private dispatch received here yesterday conveys the intelligence of the assassination by Mexican outlaws of Mr. Lewis Feltner in Santa Clara Canon, Mexico, while en route from Jimulco to the silver mines in the State of Durango.

The murdered man was at one time a wealthy and prominent citizen of Chicago. For the past six years he was engaged in mining in Mexico. He was the lessee of the Azul Mines, owned by parties in San Antonio. This makes the third American murdered in the canon this year. William B. Frey and, master mechanic of the Galveston, Harrisburg and Henderson Railroad, at Galveston, and Rocky Matthews, were murdered in the same place on Jan. 18 last by bandits."



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