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New-York Times. September 4, 1885.



ROCK SPRINGS, Wyoming, Sept. 3. -- The largest coal mines in the entire Union Pacific system are at Rock Springs, 250 miles west of Cheyenne. The company recently imported a large number of Chinese to take the places of the white men employed. Yesterday afternoon, the entire force of white miners, about 150 strong, organized, and, arming themselves with shotguns, marched to Chinatown. After firing a volley into the air they reloaded and ordered the Chinamen to leave. The order was obeyed at once, the Chinamen fleeing to the hills like a drove of sheep, closely pursued by the miners, who fired several volleys at the fugitives with fatal effect. The Chinese quarter was then set on fire and 39 houses owned by the company were destroyed, together with their contents. The miners next visited the various mines in the camp, unearthed all the Chinamen at work in them, and bade them flee for their lives. Of 400 Chinamen here yesterday morning not one remains. All are in the adjacent hills heading for Green River, 14 miles west of here. Seven were killed outright by the shots fired by the miners and many were wounded. It is said that several who were feeble and helpless from disease perished in the flames.

Sheriff Young arrived from Green River on a special train yesterday afternoon with a posse of deputies, but they were too late to prevent the mob from carrying out their plans. The miners quietly dispersed after having made sure of the departure of the Celestials, and everything is quiet at this time.

CHEYENNE, Wyoming, Sept. 3. -- Advices received here from Rock Springs this afternoon indicate a worse state of affairs than was reported last night. All the Chinamen, over 500 in number, have been driven out of the town. Thus far 15 dead Chinamen have been discovered, and there are probably as many more dead bodies in the ruins. Fifty houses belonging to the railroad company and 50 more owned by Chinamen were burned. The Chinamen are yet in the hills west of the town. They are without food and are afraid to go to Green River City, about 10 miles distant. Gov. Warren is now at Rock Springs with General Superintendent Dickinson and Superintendent Wurtele, of the Western Division of the Union Pacific Railroad. No more disturbance is anticipated. Food will be sent by the authorities to the starving Chinamen in the hills.

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 3. -- Col. Bee, the Chinese Consul, received the following dispatch from Evanston, Wyoming, to-day, relative to the massacre of Chinese at Rock Springs yesterday: “The number of Chinese killed outright was 11. There are a large number of wounded still in the hills, many of whom will probably die. The Chinese dare not go out in search of them.” The dispatch concludes by stating that it was nothing but a massacre of defenseless people.

CHEYENNE, Wyoming, Sept. 8. -- The worst has evidently not been told regarding the anti-Chinese outbreak in the western portion of Wyoming. According to advices from Evanston, where the second largest coal mining camp of the Union Pacific Road is situated, the outbreak was a preconcerted one. It had been arranged that the first attack upon the Chinese was to be made in Carbon, a mining town about 150 miles east of Rock Springs, to be followed by a like movement in the latter place and Evanston. The Rock Springs miners, however, took the initiative, and the result there has been announced. The mob at that place looted the houses of the Chinese before setting them on fire. The outrages commenced in Mine No. 6, where three Chinese miners were attacked and killed. Then the riot commenced all over the town, even women joining in it with loaded shotguns in their hands. Superintendent Evans, of the coal mines, had been warned to leave town, and he did so with alacrity, passing through here today, en route for Omaha. Nothing can be heard from Carbon, as the operator there is evidently afraid to send news from Evanston. The Sheriff of Uinta County telegraphed this evening to Gov. Warren as follows:

“A large number of citizens, with myself, are satisfied that the outrages committed at Rock Springs will be repeated and are liable to break out at any time. We need troops to protect the lives and property of our citizens.”

Gov. Warren is at Green River, but he has telegraphed to the commanding officers at Forts Steele and D. A. Russell, and the troops have been ordered to hold themselves in readiness to move at a moment’s notice.



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