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Bisbee 1909

Four Indians Killed

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WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. -- Col. Adair, of the Cherokee nation, arrived here to-day in the interests of the Osage Indians, and had a long interview with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. He is direct from the Osage nation, and says the fears of hostilities by the Osages against Kansas, as recently expressed by the Governor of that State in a telegram to President Grant, are groundless, nor is it true that those Indians have recently in council declared war.

Adair relates that the Osages are the aggrieved party. About twenty of them were on a buffalo hunt west of the Arkansas River, and on their return they saw in the distance several hundred soldiers. When two Indians were dispatched to ascertain the reason for the appearance of the troops, these Indians were captured, and therefore not returning to their friends, four more were sent forward to learn what had become of their companions, and they, too, were captured, together with four more who had been sent on a similar errand; thus one half of the hunting party fell into the hands of the troops. The other Indians were signaled to go away by the captives, four of whom were killed, but Col. Adair does not know the particulars of the tragedy or the causes which led to it.

In reply to the request of the Governor or Kansas for arms and ammunition to be used in defending the Southern border of the State against the reported threatened invasion of the Osage Indians, the Secretary of War states in view of the fact the State was furnished in July last with 500 carbines and 50,000 rounds of ammunition, on which account the State is still indebted to the General Government, he does not feel authorized to grant the request.


FORT SILL, I.T., Aug. 23. -- Intelligence having been received at this post that Big Red-Foot, one of the three principal hostile Comanche chiefs now absent from their reservation, and on the war path, was at the Wichita agency, where he had taken refuge with fifty of his band, Gen. Davidson left her eon Friday night with four companies of the Tenth Cavalry, numbering about 250 men, to arrest the chief and his Indians.

Big Red-Foot and his band were found at the agency, as had been reported, and after some parley Gen. Davidson ordered that they should be deprived of their arms. While the disarming was going on the Kiowas, under Lone Wolf and Woman's Heart, turned on the troops, and fired on them.

Immediately upon the discharge of their guns the Kiowas ran. The troops pursued, and a lively running fight began between the soldiers and the Indians. In the skirmish three soldiers were shot and many of the Indians were killed, how many is not known. During the fight the Comanche lodges and camp were burned. It also appears that further troubles are expected at the agency, as more troops have gone forward form here since the receipt of the news. The Indians killed four citizens near the agency.


SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 25. -- A dispatch from San Diego says the Apaches are making more raids into Sonora. Don Irenio Landres sends word to the President of the Municipality of Bocatehuachi that he was attacked by savages on the 15th ultimo. As four of his party were not to be found, he supposes that they were killed. A force of twenty-two men was sent to the scene of the attack, where they found the bodies of three of the men who had been slain. They had fought valiantly until their ammunition gave out, and they then broke their guns into pieces.



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