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U.S. School for Indians


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The New York Times / October 21, 1881
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 20. -- A dispatch from Prescott, Arizona, says: "Deputy Sheriff Briant was killed while in the discharge of his duty by a desperado named Miller. The murderer escaped, but is being pursued by a large force."

ST. LOUIS, Oct. 20. -- A dispatch to the Republican from Jerseyville, Ill. says: "Charles Cay and John Burrus went into Wesley Parks & Son's bank at Fieldon at 2 o'clock yesterday, and, at the muzzle of two revolvers, compelled Mr. Park to open his safe and give them $8,500. The robbers then mounted their horses and rode away. Mr. Park followed them to the street and fired upon them, killing one of their horses. The dismounted robber mounted behind his companion, and both rode off together. Sheriff Massey raised a posse, and is now scouring the country for the robbers."

George F. Roberts, an Englishman, was robbed of $1,900 in a sleeping car between Indianapolis and Litchfield, on the Indianapolis and St. Louis Road. Two other passengers were robbed of small amounts.

A special dispatch from McKinney, Texas, says: "Mr. Nowell, a well-to-do farmer, was murdered at his residence by a negro named Zach Lindsay and an unknown man. The cause of the deed was a quarrel over a business transaction."

A special dispatch form Waco, Texas, says: "Kit Hunston was stabbed at Hillsboro by James Averett, and died. Averett is in jail."

GALVESTON, TEXAS, Oct. 20. -- A Henrietta special says: "On Tuesday night, at 6 o'clock, the mail coach from Gatesville was stopped east of Belknap, 20 miles east of here, and the driver was compelled to cut open the mail sacks, when the registered packages were abstracted and the coach allowed to proceed. This is the fourth time the mail coach has been stopped by robbers on this route in two months.



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