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New-York Times / April 2, 1886

DURANGO, Col., April 2. -- C. L. Creek of this place, is a gambler and has a bad reputation. A feud of long standing has existed between him and Marshal Heck, and Creek has frequently boasted that Heck could not take him alive. Yesterday afternoon a warrant for Creek's arrest was placed in Marshal Heck's hands, and the two men met in front of the Post Office. When 20 feet away the Marshal, with drawn revolver, ordered Creek to hold up his hands. The answer was a shot from Creek, the ball passing through Heck's body, near the right nipple.

The two men then emptied their weapons at each other, standing almost in their tracks. When the shooting was over the officer fell, having received three shots in his body. He is mortally wounded. Creek was shot once in the side and once in the foot, but neither wound is dangerous.



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