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Sheep Camp, Alaska

A Desperado Killed.

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Published in the Reno Evening Gazette / March 30, 1887

SANTA FE, March 30 -- It was reported here last night that Marino Leyba, the notorious outlaw and desperado, and the leader of the gang who have terrorized Central New Mexico for six months, had been killed while resisting arrest near Antelope Springs, 70 miles south of here. The report was confirmed to-day by the arrival of Joaquin Montera and Carlos Jaconie with the body. They were deputized by Sheriff Chauez, of Santa Fe county, to make the arrest.

They met Leyba on a mountain trail while on the lookout for him. When ordered to surrender, the outlaw pulled a pistol, and Montera and Jaconie pulled theirs and their three shots sounded like one. Montera got a bullet through his hat, but Leyba fell dead at his feet, shot through the head. Leyba led the gang that murdered Col. Charles Potter, step-son of Governor Vanzandt, of Rhode Island, in the Dolores Mountains in 1880, and buried the body after taking several hundred dollars from it. Four of the gang were captured by Sheriff Armitag and were taken to Albuquerque, where they were lynched.

Leyba, the fifth member, escaped to the mountains but commenced operations again after all the witnesses were dead. He was afterwards convicted for stealing and sent up for five years in the penitentiary, and when discharged six months ago, he immediately returned to the flourishing mining country and re-organized his gang. They would shoot up towns, steal horses and rob travelers.

Their last outrage was the murder and robbery of Lackey and Tesier near Antelope Springs. These men owned 20,000 sheep. Lackey was killed in his house and his body burned, and Tesier was shot in the back while running. Two of Leyba's gang were arrested for murder and are now held for trial. A reward of $1,200 was offered for Leyba. His death will break up the gang. A great many people have visited the Santa Fe jail and have viewed the body. The people of Southern New Mexico are greatly pleased over the death of the outlaw, and are thoroughly organized for the suppression of the rest of the band.



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