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Deadwood 1888

The Result of Fast Driving.

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Editor: Speeding drivers is not a modern plague. This report from New Mexico editorializes about the need to control fast horse riding.

Published in the Rio Grande Republican / August 27, 1881

A very serious accident happened to Mrs. Romero, wife of Manuel Romero on Wednesday afternoon, on the Mesilla road near the public school building. Mrs. Romero was riding out of town in Jesus Flores' wagon, Flores himself being the driver. He was driving very rapidly and when he turned the corner near the school building the wagon tipped to one side throwing the lady out.

She alighted on the back of her head sustaining injuries thought to be fatal. When the physician was called in she complained of numbness in her limbs and feet, which would indicate that the spinal column has been injured. She was otherwise seriously bruised.

The break-neck speed to which horses are usually urged on the streets of Las Cruces is productive of just such accidents as this. The law prohibiting fast driving and fast riding on the public streets and highways, if there is such a law, should be inforced.

LATER -- Mrs. Romero died of her injuries on Friday morning since the above was in type.



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