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Ohio Democrat / December 18, 1868

The Seymour Vigilance Committee Seize the New Albany Jail & Hang the Adams Express Robbers.

INDIANAPOLIS, December 12 — The Seymour Vigilance Committee visited the New Albany Jail this morning about three o’clock and hung the Reno brothers and Charles Anderson, inside the Jail, and left town before any alarm was given.

Cincinnati, December 12 — The following particulars of the hanging of the Reno brothers at New Albany have been received by the Cincinnati Times, dated New Albany, Indiana, December 12:

Between three and four o’clock this morning from sixty to seventy Seymour regulators masked and heavily armed, arrived here via the Jeffersonville Railroad. Immediately upon their arrival, they proceeded by a direct route to the county Jail, placing guards at every street and alley to guard against surprise. On arriving at the jail one of the guards stationed outside took fright and attempted to raise an alarm, but was quickly taken in charge and placed under guard.

They then entered the office of the jail, and after twelve or fifteen had entered, Sheriff Fullenlove, awakened by the disturbance, came to the door, when they demanded the keys. He attempted to get away by dodging in a cellarway, and coming out on the outside of the building. But here he was commanded to surrender, and by some means was shot through the arm. They had now complete possession of the jail, and found the keys in the Sheriff’s bedroom, when they immediately proceeded to the cells, and forced one of the guards to unlock the cells. They then took Frank Reno, Simon Reno, Bill Reno and Charles Anderson, the express robbers, out and hanged them to the iron railing or post supporting the walls around the cells. The victims were placed on chairs, the rope adjusted and the chairs kicked from under them; Frank and Simon hanging to one post, Simon in front and Frank behind him, the other brother hanging at a corner post, and Anderson backward in the rear of the jail.

After being satisfied that their victims were dead, the bold murderers quietly locked up the jail and all its occupants, taking the keys with them and taking one of the County commissioners to the depot, when, all being ready, they started away, giving the Commissioner the keys. As soon as possible, the alarm was sounded, too late. No one can be found, and all that remained to show their presence was the dead bodies of the express robbers.

The most intense excitement prevails here, and it is getting much higher every moment, the news is spreading like wildfire. Mrs. Frank Reno and Mrs. Anderson are in the city. Frank Reno fought the Regulators, knocking three of them down, but was overpowered and knocked senseless, his head being badly bruised and blood running down his face. The victims presented the most ghastly and horrible spectacle.

Charles Anderson and Frank Reno were surrendered by the Canadian authorities upon the solemn pledge by the United States Government that they should have a fair trial, and if found innocent be returned to Canada.



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