San Antonio Daily Light / Sept. 20, 1893
CHICAGO, Sept. 20. - Early this morning Policemen Brown and
Fitzmorris tried to arrest Chick McMullen, one of the most notorious crooks in the west, and his mistress Nell Foley, equally notorious. McMullen drew a pistol and began firing at the officers, the latter also drew their weapons and a regular fusilade ensued. When the smoke cleared away they found that Rowan [Brown?] had been shot in the left groin, probably fatally. Fitzmorris received two bullets in the thigh, while a bullet pierced McMullen’s back inflicting a fatal wound. The dying desperado finding his race run turned suddenly penitent and called for a priest who administered a scant consolation possible under the circumstances. McMullen was creating a disturbance in front of the saloon on the west side where the shooting occurred.