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Lincoln, Nebraska, Evening News / August 28, 1897

Charles Sipp of Woodlawn Killed at a Grade Crossing Today.

Charles Sipp, a young farmer, was killed at about 7:45 o’clock this morning at a grade crossing on the Burlington track, about a mile this side of Woodlawn.

Sipp was driving a horse at the time, and the animal became frightened at the near approach of the train, and the young man speedily lost control of it. Whether the horse ran into the moving train or in front of it so as to allow the train to strike its rider is not known.

Sipp’s mangled body was found lying alongside the track not farther away, so the neighbors say, than six or eight inches. His body was terribly crushed when found and those who carried him into the nearby house of a neighbor had no hope that he could live any length of time.

Dr. Winnett was called and went at once to attend the injured man. It was impossible to do anything for him, however, and at about 10:10 a.m. he died.

Charles Sipp was a single man, probably about twenty-six years old. He recently graduated from a course in the Lincoln Business college, and is well known in the city. His brother was in here trading when the telephone message came announcing the death and summoning him home. He was working on the farm of his father Andrew Sipp, near Woodlawn, during the summer. He is spoken of by those who knew him as a very bright, companionable young man.

A gang of section men who had taken their hand-car from the track to allow the train to pass, witnessed the accident and reported it to headquarters. They carried the young man to the neighbor’s house and hastened into the city. Dr. Everett [?] went back on the hand-car, but by that time the young man was dead. According to the section men, young Sipp was waiting with his wagon near the crossing. When the train was half over the crossing, he started the horse again, for what purpose is not known. Immediately the horse became uncontrollable and ran toward the train, which struck the wagon and drew Sipp under it in some way. Coroner Holyoke went out to the scene of the accident this afternoon with a jury.



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