Hurries in Special Car with Titled Englishmen to Join in Bandit Hunt.
Special to The New York Times / November 2, 1904
OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 1. -- "Buffalo Bill" got word here to-night that Cashier Middaugh of the First National Bank of Cody, Wyoming, had been killed by two bandits who tried to rob the bank, and, failing, escaped after firing the fatal shot.
Col. Cody at once had his private car attached to a fast Burlington train and started for Cody to run down the escaped bandits. With him goes a party of titled Englishmen who have been enjoying his hospitality.
"I have wired my manager at Cody, Col. Frank Powell, the old Indian fighter and scout, to offer a large reward for the capture alive of each robber," said Col. Cody, "and I told him to double the reward if the outlaws were killed. We want them dead rather than alive.
"Will we join the hunt? You bet we will," and the old scout's eyes lighted up with excitement. "Within ten minutes after our train arrives there we shall be in the saddle with our guns, and away we go. These Englishmen will get a real touch of Western life such as they never dreamed of.
"A bunch of my best horses will be in readiness. And here is my old Indian scout, the Sioux chief Iron Tail. He is returning from Europe with me, and is dead anxious to get into the scrimmage." Col. Cody pointed to one corner of the car where sat Iron Tail, with two big pistols on the seat beside him.
"We don't intend to let those fellows get away if we have to follow them all Winter," continued Col. Cody. "I am not surprised at the hold-up, for it was well known that the Government had hundreds of thousands of dollars on deposit in that bank. The Government is building a five-million-dollar irrigating system up in the Big Horn, and the funds are deposited in Cody. That's what tempted the robbers in this case. They undoubtedly came over from the Hole-in-the-Wall country and are trying to get back into that den of thieves, but we will head them off, and of course a stiff fight will take place when we catch them."